Teddy at 12 Months
Seriously. How though?!?! How has it been an entire year since this happened?!
This year in Teddy time has absolutely flown by. I cannot CANNOT believe it.
Just two days ago Teddy turned 52 weeks old! And thanks to a leap year we got 2 bonus days with him before he officially turned the big O-N-E.
Gah. I seriously CANNOT believe he is one today! Our sweet little most perfect rainbow babe. What a year it was!
So keeping with tradition, I snapped a TON of one year/12 month pics of Ted in his custom Swanky Shank monthly onesie (which, side note, that set is getting passed along to a brand new little rainbow due in the spring!!)...
And then we snuck outside to do a few 'front yard' pics (just like I did with the big kids!) to make sure we had some official 'not monthly onesie' one year pics.
He's such a big dude and I cannot love this sweet little rainbow enough!! And shockingly this month to snap was a bit easier than month 11...he was a smidgen less active than past months but still SO FREAKING HARD to get to sit still! HAHA!
We head back to the doc tomorrow morning for his 12 month appointment...so until then, here's my wonderful mom stats for ya!
- Tedddy weights 24 pounds 10 ounces -- so just a shade under 25 pounds! I feel like he's hanging out at the same weight now because he's more active and mobile and IN TO EVERYTHING!
- Still rocking 18-24 month clothing -- some brands he's in 18mo, some he's closer to 2T. He's definitely a chunk and getting some use out of some of Patrick's old clothes too! It's so cute to see him in the same clothes P wore 7+ years ago.
- Very much still a thumb sucker -- and only the left thumb! Does it only when he's tired, but it's his instant calm and I'm sure will take forever to break him of just like his big siblings (who, spoiler, STILL DO IT! haha)
- 12+ months of nursing and still going strong! He nurses 4-5 times a day and it's definitely his preferred method of getting his milkies. He is great with a straw and sippy cup (but does still get a bottle once in a blue moon if I'm gone and he needs his milk), but his favorite consumption method is still directly from the source.
- This month has really transitioned Ted completely into eating meals 100% on his own. It.is.awesome. Another favorite milestone I love when these babes can feed themselves! He does still love pouches (some baby food but mostly yogurt and applesauce) and can eat those solo without making a huge mess and spraying them all out. He really loves everything we put in front of him, but lately his favorites are cheese, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, ravioli, turkey, IMOs pizza (for real!), cheeseburgers, and so much more I cannot think of right now! He really will eat anything you put in front of him! Hope that keeps up ;-)
- Still a great sleeper -- usually goes down around 7/7:30p and wakes up anytime between 6:30/7:30a the next morning. Will sometimes hear him talking in the middle of the night, but since Patrick has officially moved into the girls' room, Ted usually babbles for a minute then falls back asleep. He still takes one nap a day, usually around 12/12:30 - 3pm-ish or so. We do have to wake him up a lot usually around 3pm to go do school pickup, so the closer we can get him down to 12noon the better his naps are!
- Is a crazy, lightning fast crawler that gets into EVERYTHING! HAHA! I totally remember Patrick being like this -- the girls not so much -- but Ted is everywhere! He is pulling up and cruising along things and climbing! He's definitely a wild man and loves to explore and see everything first hand for himself getting himself there. Walking - gosh I hate guessing cause I'm always wrong! But maybe by Christmas?!! We will see!
- Still has just 6 (4 up top, 2 down below!) crazy sharp teeth and I don't see any other ones poking through (yet!) so he's rocking those 6 fangs for now! Fortunately hasn't really figured out biting so that's nice...my nips are happy about that too. haha!
- LOVES going for walks in his car or the stroller -- we do this nearly every day (especially now that the big kids are back in school for pickup and drop off) and he LOVES IT so so so much! Definitely an outdoors baby!
- Loves to go on the swings at the park - he could literally stay in the swings alllllllll day long.
- His eczema is about like it was last month -- has the most random flare ups and is definitely the worst on his face. Creams do help but it's hit or miss every day when he wakes up what it's going to be like. Hoping we can get that under better control soon!
- Now that the kiddos are all back in school, Ted and I sure love going on adventures! He loves going to the stores with me and riding in the shopping carts, loves going to play at the park or at NeeNee and Gramps', and just loves being out of the house! Making up for lost time it seems for all of the time we spent at home.
- Absolutely adores his big siblings more than anything! They can make him smile and laugh unlike anyone else can and it truly is the cutest thing ever. They wake up every morning wanting to get him up and fight over who gets to play with him -- I hope their love and fierce protection for their little brother never ever ends.
- For like the millionth month, his nicknames still include: Ted, Teddy Boy, Tedster, Mister Tedster, Mister, Mister Man, Mister T, Tedward, Ted Bed, Ted Man, Teddy Bear, Bug, Teddy Graham...he's got a LOT of names we call him, that's for sure! And he seems to respond to all of them! haha!