Documenting the Bump Again: Final Installment

I remembered that I did a final installment of documenting the bump after Rosie was born, and decided I'd do it again now that Annie is here (and OMG is a week old already! GAH!  Fastest week EVER!) here is my documenting the bump AGAIN wrap up!

First off I had to include Annie's 1 week snap (I'm going to try and snap a weekly pic of miss Annie just like I did with Rosie...follow along on Instagram at #growAnnieMgrow)

I revamped Annie's bump video to add week there's that ^^ for your viewing pleasure.

There was NO SHORTAGE of bump pics this pregnancy!  I well-documented the bump here on the blog and over on Instagram.  I swear I've gotten better about documenting the bump with each pregnancy -- I just wish I'd have done this documenting with Patrick's pregnancy!  Oh well.  I've been making up for it with the last two I guess!

So #3's -- Annie!  She's here and has a name Alex!  USE IT! -- documenting the bump series is officially wrapped up.  I think I gained about 40-45 pounds this pregnancy and am down about 15-17ish thus far in the first week.  I am in NO hurry to get it all off -- I know it'll come off! -- but I'm trying to enjoy this delicious newborn phase right now and keep my milk supply UP UP UP!  Already I feel like my milk supply is doing well, so I don't want to do anything now to jeopardize that or cause it to decrease!  Haha!

That's all I've got for today...the bump documenting is officially done and here's to watching Annie growwwwww!

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