Rosie Goes to the MUNY!

I figured this deserved its own post...

Rosie got to go to the MUNY!

Now, I will say it was a bit of a bust, as the show had rain delay after rain delay and we eventually waved our white flag and headed home when the show had barely been on for 20 minutes... but!  Still a fun, memorable experience anyways I want to share about!!!

Before we went to the show we had an impromptu dinner date at Hacienda where EVERYONE in the Pepin fam was able to come!  The kids LOVED that.  Clearly these kiddos are smitten with their aunts and uncles!

And this mirror selfie with Annie might be my most favorite EVER.  HER FACE!!

Rosie, NeeNee and I then headed to the MUNY.  It had literally poured all day long but the weather looked promising that it would be dry by show time.

Not so much.  It did this annoying, misty/spitting rain seemingly the entire time.  Thank goodness we brought our umbrellas and snacks!

So the show was suppose to start at 8:15pm...welp, right then the announcer came on and said the weatherman said only 10 more minutes of rain then clear so they'd be starting soon.  LIARS!!  The show didn't start until 9:25pm!!!  Rosie, bless her heart, was doing well but definitely getting stir crazy.

We were SO HAPPY when it started!  But, only 20ish minutes into the show it started to do the annoying mist again and BAM.  Another rain delay.

The guy came on again saying it would just be a few minutes but, haha, we've heard that before.  Not even ice cream was enough to bribe Rosie to stay!  At 10pm Rosie was getting SO RESTLESS (and saying she was tired and wanted to take a bath and go to bed!) so we decided to head home.

They did start the show back up shortly after we left but again it was just for a few minutes before it started raining again!  So I don't think they got the show in at all.

It was a bummer that we didn't get to see the entire show but still was a memorable experience for Rosie and I think she had a blast with some solo time with mom and NeeNee.  I cannot wait to take her to another show!  Maybe I'll snag tickets to the FOX (inside!! haha!) when a show comes next that I think she'll want to see.  At least this night at the MUNY was not hot or humid!  So that was a plus.  Haha!

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