365 Project Update

We are 115 days into 2017 (WHATTTTT??!! already?!!) and I am 115/115 for my 2017 project!  WOOT!

Last year I did black and white, this year I'm doing one matte photo per day.  If you follow me on Instagram you'll have seen these under the #MooneyMatte365 hashtag.

It has almost become routine, and not even bothersome (as some days it has felt like), to post a picture each day.  It's kinda cool, because I know I'll have a cool book to look back upon with a year of memories altogether at once.  I looooooove that I have this with 2016 with my black and white one I did, and I'm looooving that I'll have that for 2017 (as long as I keep it up!) as well!

These are a few of my favorite snaps thus far for my matte project...

...and here are all 115 in a collage (thank you Photoshop) for your viewing pleasure!

Anyways, just wanted to take a quick sec to update you on my 2017 project that is going strong!  I have already been thinking about ideas for what I'm going to do for 2018...another black and white? Film edit?  Non-iPhone (but my big camera) picture?  1 picture of all of the kids each day?!  I JUST DON'T KNOW!  So many options!  If you have any that you think would be cool options, send them my way!

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